Head teacher appeals for help after winds destroy classes

By Charles Ouma

Madibo Primary School in Nambale sub county, Busia County has appealed for financial assistance from the government and well-wishers after the rooftops of two of its classrooms were blown away by strong winds accompanied by heavy rainfall.

The school head teacher, Mr. Richard Nangira said the rooftops were blown off during the short holiday, forcing them to relocate pupils to the school library and store.

Text books which were in those classes were destroyed completely.

“Teachers’ toilets also sunk leaving teachers with no other alternative but to share toilets with pupils,” he added.

The head teacher expressed worry that Standard Eight and Grade Six pupils set to sit for their national examinations in the coming weeks will not have enough space to do the exams due to shortage of classrooms, adding that the available classrooms are not enough since the school also hosts candidates from a neighboring school.

He stated that if the classrooms would not be repaired on time then the candidates would have a rough time due to shortage.

“When we got the problem, the first thing I did was to write a report and took it to the Education Office in Nambale but the Director told me that there were no funds available and advised me to get help from local leaders. We have tried to get in touch with them and they have told us that they are yet to start their duties since they were just sworn into office the other day.” he said.

He further pleaded to well-wishers to come forth and help them renovate the classrooms and  latrines so that normal operations resume.

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