Schools set to benefit from Maths project

By Rosemil Oduor

Schools in Western Kenya are set to benefit from a Mathematics teaching project that will be implemented in public secondary schools in the area. Through the initiative, Mathematics teachers will undergo rigorous training to be able to teach the subject effectively and help learners improve in it.

Currently, under the project dubbed Strengthening In-Service Teacher Training, teachers undertaking diploma courses in Teacher Training Colleges are undergoing training, which is jointly funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

The project is being implemented in the counties of Busia, Bungoma and Kakamega, through International Development Research Centre, a Swiss organization.

Mathematics experts from Kibabii University, University of Dar-es Salaam University College of Education and University of Zambia attended a five day conference in Busia town to discuss critical issues leading to poor performance in mathematics.

A study conducted by the Mathematics department of Kibabii University pointed out that negative attitude among teachers and learners, inappropriate teaching methods and low motivation among teachers are some of the reasons leading to poor performance in the subject.

Kibabii University Vice Chancellor Prof Isaac Ipara said there should be attitude change in the subject by both teachers and learners.

He added that teachers must device new methodologies to help learners develop a liking for Mathematics and perform well.

He stressed on the need for capacity building for teachers and the use of local learning materials during the teaching of the subject.

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