MP issues Sh21 million in bursaries to bright but needy students

By Achola Bulimo Mathews

Kimilili Member of Parliament has issued bursaries worth Sh21 million from the National Government Community Development Fund (NG-CDF) kitty to bright but needy students in the constituency.

Speaking at the CDF offices in Kimilili town in Bungoma County while giving out to the bursaries meant for secondary school students, the legislator Didmus Baraza, stated that bursary funds are meant to help bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.

“I value education, it is an equalizer and that is the reason why I have decided to  first issue the funds to secondary school students from Form Two to Form Four,” he said.

He added that Colleges and University students will be awarded later while those joining form one will receive the money on Thursday this week.

Those in primary schools will receive Sh17.2 million while those in Tertiary institutions will get Sh2.8 million.

“Majority of parents cannot afford school fees and that is why the government set aside the kitty to fund poor students so that they can access education,” he added.

He noted that unlike other Members of Parliaments, he placed his focus on the education of high school and tertiary students.

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