Girl travels kilometers on Boda-boda seeking admission in favorite school

By Allan Kibet

A 15-year old girl has covered over 50 kilometers using a Boda-boda in a bid to seek Form One admission from one of her favorite schools.

The girl, Staicy Jeptum from Chepterwai village in Nandi County, surprised many as her passion to study in the school of her choice made her set the journey that begun at 5am all the way from her home to Moi Girls High School in Eldoret. Staicy said she preferred the institution rather than Kaplong Girls in Kericho County, the one she was placed and she was set to join the school this week.

Her journey ended at Moi Girls at 8am for the girl who scored 380 marks in her 2021 KCPE examination results that were released by the Education CS Prof. George Magoha on March 28.

“I requested to enter the school compound but the gate security officers did not not allow me. They told me it is a national holiday and no school official transaction can be done, I also wanted to write a letter to the school principal to consider my plea. Moi Girls has ever been my dream school, and it was among my first choices during my KCPE registration,” she told the media.

Jeptum, who wants to study Medicine in University is asking for any assistance from well-wishers to be allowed to join her dream school, Moi Girls.

She sat her KCPE examinations which were administered in March 14 to March 16 at Teresia Primary School in Nandi County.

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