Governor challenges polytechnic to introduce short courses for street children

By Enock Okong’o

Kisii County Governor, James Ongwae, has asked the Kisii National Polytechnic to introduce tailored courses to benefit the most under privileged youths in the society. 

In a speech read on his behalf by the County executive member in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Nyamoko Andama, during the fourth graduation at Kisii National Polytechnic, Ongwae said that the programmes will ease the problem of unemployment.

He asked the institution to start courses that could take as short as three months to enable children loitering in streets to enroll in order to get skills.

“They can train in the artisan courses that will equip them with skills to serve in the ever expanding Jua-Kali industry in Kisii town,” he suggested.

The governor said that he was proud of the cabro making machine that his government donated to the institution and called upon its management to moot short courses that will train the less privileged youths to handle the machine and earn a living.

“As much as we want to decongest our town with street children, we must think of an alternative way of keeping them busy as they grow to realize their potential.

During the colorful graduation ceremony that was presided over by the Principal Secretary in the State Department for Vocational and Tertiary Training, Dr. Margaret Mwakimwa, more than 2,600 students graduated in artisan, certificate and diploma courses. 

In his appreciation to the good attendance by the public, the graduands and their parents, the Principal of the polytechnic, Mr. David Mwangi, promised the best to come from the Institution.

He said that the polytechnic has experienced many challenges since its inception in 1971 as a community institute but has evolved to a National Polytechnic.

He thanked those who started the institute and asked the current populace to support it for advanced growth and perpetuation of the dreams of those who started it.

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