CAS witness final opening, distribution of KCPE papers in Baringo

By Kelix Bengas

As KCPE examination exercise drew to a close on Wednesday morning, the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) for Education Dr. Sarah Rutto witnessed the opening and distribution of the last KCPE examination papers in Baringo Central Education office at Kabarnet.

“We are very satisfied that the system of administering the examination to the KCPE candidates has gone on very well especially in Baringo where we had several schools merged due to the state of insecurity. We had measures in place on how these candidates will do their exams in a conducive environment.

“We were informed about the two schools distracted by bandits during the process, but thanks to security officers for ensuring all the candidates sat for their examinations. No one was affected,” she said after releasing the papers.

She went on: “Yesterday, I was in the neighboring county of Elgeyo Marakwet, a place where a candidate had to flee with her guardian due to security reasons but lucky enough, education officers managed to safeguard them and she sat the examinations. This is because we are in a generation where we wish to get 100 per cent transition.”

During the early morning exercise, Deputy County Commissioner, Reuben Ratemo assured that authorities are keen on getting all students sit for examinations because it is their rights to complete every level of education.

“This year, we have some students who have done their examinations in hospital due to various reasons; one got involved in an accident while another one was in a maternity ward. In regards to teen pregnancy, we have witness the lower numbers this time,” said the Deputy County boss.

County Director for Education Mwasaro Mwashegwa and other leaders from Baringo were among those who supervised the opening of the final papers with Dr. Sarah Rutto.

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