Teacher commits suicide over debts

By Hilda Atika

The body of a teacher at Lubinu Boys high school in Kakamega was found dangling in a poultry house on Tuesday afternoon.

The 54-year old Goerge Kenny Muhati is said to have entered in the upstairs of a poultry house in his homestead in Lubinu village in Mumias East Sub County and allegedly hang himself.

The police also recovered a half filled 2OMls container of a poisonous chemical namely Triatix at the scene of the incident, suggesting that the deceased might have ingested part of the poison before hanging himself.

According to unnamed source the deceased was frustrated over a debt he owed a women group and he was also not in good terms with his wife who is also a teacher.

The women group had reported him to the authority which was almost closing on him over that debt.

When he was reached for a comment Lubinu Boys high school Principal Mr. Walumbe Wanjala confirmed the incident and said investigations were underway following the teacher’s death.

The body of the deceased is now lying at St. Mary’s Mumias hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Mr. Muhati 54 was a long serving teacher for Biology and Agriculture and also head of sports at the school.

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