Kajiado residents decry stall of Sh119 million library project

By Abdi Hussein

Kajiado residents are up in arms over a Sh119 million public library whose construction has been stalled for eight years following political supremacy between the incumbent governor Joseph Ole Lenku and his predecessor David Nkedianye.

The contract to build the mega library in Kajiado town was awarded by the former county chief administration in the 2014/2015 financial year.

However, the construction was stalled when the former chief was ousted in the 2017 general elections.

Locals claim petty politics between the current governor and his predecessor has denied hundreds of residents a chance to quench their thirst for education.

“The project came to a screeching halt when the new administration came to power in 2017. It is a classic example of superiority complex between two regimes at the expense of residents,’ said John Sapura, a resident.

The library complex project was designed to have a cultural centre, a resource centre, ICT block, recreation facility and children training unit.   It was expected to serve masses from the populous Kajiado town, its environs and people from as far as Namanga town. The facility was also to create employment.

The project was to be funded annually by the county until completion but the current administration has bypassed it during budgeting.

A spot check indicates that there is a towering unfinished abandoned project, remains of building materials strewn all over and acacia trees overgrown in the compound. The iron sheet made wall is caving in.

It is evident that the contactor has been away for several years and vandalism has taken place.

“Our leaders should not play politics with development projects. The library ought to serve as an education springboard in this region where education standards are wanting. It’s a big shame,’ said Mr Peter Namasaka, another resident.

The residents urged the county government to finish the project that currently stands as one of the major white elephant projects in the county arguing that a colossal amount of public money has been spent there.

In 2020, the Senate’s Public Accounts Committee summoned governor Lenku who admitted that there were several biting issues that had bedeviled his predecessor’s project but that he had since resolved all the outstanding issues.

Mr Jeremiah Ole Ncharo, CECM Education said the contractor is expected to be at the site soon to continue with the project.

“The library has been allocated Shs 25 M this financial year and construction is expected to resume soon. The project will eventually be complete and serve our people, “Said Ole Njaro.

Members of the public, especially those who have enrolled into adult and continuing education, are waiting with bated breath for the facility to be completed.

The Ngong Sports Complex, which was also commenced in the 2014-2015 financial year, has also been stalled.

The Sh 198 Million project was supposed to be completed in four years yet it’s still in its initial stages despite numerous promises by the current administration.

‘Ngong stadium remains a goose chase between members of public and the devolved unit. There is word that a colossal amount of money was gobbled hence the stalling of the project,’ said James Oduor, a Ngong’ resident.

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