Sameta alumni usher in the New Year with great aspirations for alma mater

By Enock Okong”o

The alumni of Sameta High School met to close 2021 and usher in the New Year with focused resolutions meant to transform the institution.

In a colorful ceremony that was graced by one of the pioneer principals Mr. David Motanya, the former students praised the community for partnering with the church in school operations.

The association promised to work hand in hand with the  management to  revive the lost academic glory of the school. They also appealed to  the alumni within the country  and the diaspora  to come  together to boost the school’s plans and activities.

They poured accolades to Mr. Motanya for his firm and strong academic pillars he raised at the school to see it being exemplary among the Extra County schools within the region.

On his Part Mr. Motanya, who is the father to the current Principal, Mr. Moenga Motanya thanked God for the great achievements. He narrated that he came from a poor parental background but determination and hard work in the pursuit  of quality education made him to achieve his dreams.

The retired Principal who was flanked by his grand-daughter appealed  to all heads of schools to walk their talk in the   profession if they expected respect  from  their staffs and students.

Mr. David Motanya, Sameta alumni and granddaughter cutting the cake. Photo/Enock Okong’o

During the Occasion, the alumini elected their officials with Prof. Henry  Ondetri being picked as chairman. The post of Vice chairman went to Boniface Misera while Julius Opini was elected Secretary. Dr. Thomas Ogaro took the post of  organizing Secretary as Francis Mochumari clinched the treasury docket.

In his maiden speech, the chairman termed it historical because it pulled together the 1980-1983  cohort after having parted from the school 38 years ago.

“We met here as Sameta fraternity to take stock of our achievements and lay strategies on the improvement of its infrastructure in tandem with the  new Competence Based Curriculum,” he said.

He asked each alumni  to   identify needy  but bright students from their village and prop them to acquire quality  education.

He said the role of the 1980-1983 Sameta cohort is to source for funds  and channel them towards the development of the school.

On his part Sameta School Principal Mr. Moemga thanked the members and promised to follow his father’s  footsteps  to advance the institution to the  greater academic heights.

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