Mundere campus in Budalangi handed over to JOOUST

By Andanje  Wakhungu

The dream of residents of Budalangi constituency has finally come true after   Mundere Campus was officially handed over to the management of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST).

The campus, which was built using public funding and funding from  the World Bank , had earlier on been handed over to Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology(MMUST) in a secret deal that later backfired.

Speaking while handing over the institution to the registrar of JOOUST, Principal Secretary for Higher Learning Amb Simon Nabukwesi said the campus will provide an opportunity for speedy growth of Bunyala town.

He likened the situation to Kibabii which has grown from being a bushy area to becoming the town it is currently.

Budalangi constituency Member of Parliament Raphael Wanjala said that parents from the region can finally send their children to a reputable university next to their home.

He urged the University management to take advantage of the Lower Nzoia Basin and the aquatic environment around Budalang’i to turn around the livelihoods of the residents by introducing new farming technologies and aquaculture farming.

It is now upon the management of JOOUST to construct additional facilities in the centre as well as repair some of the old structures.

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