Raila bets big on education in North-Eastern trip

By Amoto Ndiewo

Addressing supporters in Garissa town in the wake of presidential campaigns, the ODM leader Raila Odinga not only promised to spur the economy of the arid region by completing the regional roads he started as Minister of Roads during President Kibaki’s regime and revive the drought stricken livestock industry in North Eastern but pledged to let locals pursue the noble profession of teaching in order to be self-sufficient.

Talking to a mammoth ground comprising mostly of the vibrant youth in streets of Garissa town, the ODM leader noted that the teacher shortage in the region has remained a thorn in the flesh of residents since many teachers fled the region due to insecurity.

“Since education is a right, the residents who are form four leavers will be gifted a priority to join teachers training colleges to address the challenge,’’ he promised.

The ODM leader reiterated that if the locals can follow such a clarion call then students right from nursery, primary, secondary schools, colleges and universities will not have a problem in education.

However, according to observers this is going to be a tall order given that the noble profession of teaching was not a cup of tea for most locals who often leave it to do business or travel abroad as refugees.

Raila noted that since the biting drought had eaten into the locals pockets, it was imperative that the school feeding programme was introduced as soon as possible. 

Playing to the local tune, Raila said he would establish Ministry of Youth Development to look into the issues of youth in the region.

“Once the youth complete schooling, they can be gifted with funds to engage in entrepreneurship,” he concluded.

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