Former KNUT executive secretary lauds CBC

 By Enock Okong’o

Former Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) executive secretary for Gucha branch Mr Sam Nyairo has lauded the new curriculum which stresses on individual talents and skills.

He asked education stakeholders not to spoil the flavor of Competence Based Curriculum by belittling P1 teachers whom he described as the midwives of packaging the system in primary schools.

He urged the Ministry of Education to train the teachers as they upgrade to diploma and not declare them irrelevant.

Nyairo also called upon teachers to upgrade their skills so as to be able to handle the new curriculum confidently.

The former unionist urged those about to retire to form and join local saccos to provide them with financial help in times of need.

He was speaking from Kenyenya sub county at Mogonga town where he went to console the family of the late Geoffrey Bundi.

The deceased was a retired Deputy Principal of Igorera High school in Kisii county. He succumbed to death after a short illness.

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