Borabu school gets Shs19m for classrooms

By EnockOkong’o

The Bomachoge Borabu constituency fund has allocated Sh19m  for the  construction modern classrooms at Nyakorere SDA Primary School.

Speaking at Nyakorere secondary school during the AGM, area MP Prof. Zadoc Ogutu said education s central to development in any society.

He asked parents to provide basic learning materials like  enough pens, geometrical sets and uniforms to make their learning conducive.

The MP reminded them that access to education is a fundamental right for the child and asked the area chief to arrest any parent who does not children to school.

Area MCA Mr.Timothy Ogugu said that the county government will top up the national government’s education bursary to help bright children from  needy homes.

The Kisii County Leader of Majority donated a water tank of 100,000 litres that will be used to store rain water.

The law maker said availability of water at  the school will  ensure safety of the pupils and reduce their movement to far distances to fetch water.

The two leaders informed that after completion of the building, it  be ranked among other centres of exellency in the county like Ritembu,Magena,Riokido and Eberege primary schools.

They cautioned the committees assigned to run the project to use the money prudently because any one who will misuse the government funds,they stressed,will be arrested and arrigned at the the court of law.

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