60% of CBC learners to join TVET-PS

By Correspondent

Education Principal Secretary (PS) for the State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education, Dr. Julius Jwan assures that 60% of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) learners will join Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

“The success of CBC depends on the foundations of TVET. We expect 60 percent of the learners under CBC to join TVET which will ably provide them with knowledge and skills needed for employment,” says Dr. Jwan.

He was speaking when formally handing over the State Department of Vocational and Technical Training to the incoming Chief Administrative Secretary Hassan Noor Hassan, and the Principal Secretary, Dr. Margaret Mwakima at Jogoo House.

According to the PS, the transformations Government is making in the TVET sector will provide the platform for a large proportion of learners completing 12 years of Basic of Education to acquire technical and vocational skills the job market requires.

Mr. Hassan Noor Hassan expressed concern that many youth shunned TVET courses, saying the Ministry should help to change the mindsets of youth towards vocational and technical occupations.

Dr. Mwakima said vocational and technical occupations are noble and clean as they required practical skills which Technical, Vocational and Technical institutions imparted.

“We need somebody who can make a bed and not one who can talk about it,” Dr. Mwakima noted.

She said she would work together with the staff and other stakeholders to ensure that the government transforms TVET in ways that served the Big 4 Agenda more effectively and efficiently.

Mr. Noor has been the Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Sports and Culture while Dr. Mwakima has been the Principal Secretary, State Department for Regional and Northern Corridor Development.

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