Covid-19 menace at Kizurini Secondary School in Kilifi

By Dennis Ndiewo 

Following the death of Kizurini Secondary School Deputy Principal Naomi Sanguli on November 21, the entire staff and students underwent Covid-19 tests.  Shockingly, when results were recently released, seven members of staff, five students and two support staff tested positive.

“Residents are now realizing that covid-19 is real,’’ said Paul Biwott, Kilifi Deputy County Commissioner.

The commissioner added that despite the 37 other students on quarantine, decisions have that learning will go on uninterrupted.

He clarified that the form four candidates who are going on with preparation for the examination next year are on strict Covid-19 protocols.

He, however, assured students and the community that with heightened adherence to the Covid-19 protocols they were on top of things.

“If you lower your guard, it will be at your own peril, this is the time of self-discipline and individual responsibility, ’’ he warned.

However, Kaloleni MP Paul Katana said that the five students have been put under isolation and the teachers and support staff are undergoing home-based care.

The MP said that following the health protocol of washing hands, keeping social distance, wearing masks were very simple and adherence would save lives.

He further warned that since Covid-19 cases were on the rise, the culture of individual responsibility must be enhanced.

‘’My prayer is that the disease doesn’t get in the rural areas where school children are still idle,’’ said the MP.

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