16 Kenyan varsities hold debate to commemorate UN Day of families

Former Deputy Chief Justice Nancy Baraza on a panel of adjudicators during the intervasity debate on families at Maseno School of Law. Photo: courtesy

Students from 16 universities in Kenya marked the United Nations (UN) Day of families by holding an intervarsity debate in which they explored the changing face of the Kenyan families and how existing laws and policies can promote the wellbeing of all family members. The event was organised by the Kenya School of Law.

The event was hosted by Maseno University School of law on Wednesday, May 15, and was moderated by former Deputy Chief Justice, Nancy Baraza.

“As we engage our students, we are equipping them with the capacity to be critical when they look at these issues, when they try to understand these issues and probably come up with more critical tools which we can address new challenges.” Justice Baraza said.

The universities that participated are Maseno University, the University of Nairobi, Moi, Kenyatta, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Egerton, Kabarak, Strathmore, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Daystar, Tangaza, Cooperative University, St. Paul’s, African Nazarene, Pioneer and Mount Kenya University.

“The debate is an opportunity for young people in society, especially the Gen Z, to explore and interrogate the concept of the family and its place in their wellbeing, socio-cultural belonging and societal socio-economic progression based on current socio-economic and cultural realities of a globalised world.


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This event is intended to be an intellectually stimulating and enriching experience for participants and the audience alike, and also provides an opportunity for networking and collaboration for the young people,” said Prof Nicholas Orago, Dean of Students, Maseno University Law School.

Martin Onyango, Associate Director of Legal Strategies at the Centre for Reproductive Rights (CRR), attended the debate and emphasized the importance of acknowledging and valuing these aspects even within our legal framework and policies.

“We talk a lot about the traditional family. But we know that the families as constituted in the 21st are very different from the families of the 17th and the 18th century. How do these diverse families enjoy their right to life, education, reproductive rights, and access to healthcare? These issues manifest differently in different communities, and even in the same community they manifest differently at different times. This debate was a good reminder of the need to be able to recognize and appreciate this even in our laws and policies,” he said.

“In this debate I have been able to understand the values of a family and what makes a healthy family. The debate has also helped me to understand that beyond the basic structures of a family, the most important aspect is how values are promoted and how challenges within families are addressed,” Sleen Masawa, law student at Maseno University and one of the debaters said.

“We were able to interact with different motions that touched on different aspects of life, and we had to address them and outline them and gain the ability to have conversations about them. I have learnt that there’s more to family as a basic unit, it is not just about the composition but about the values and wellbeing of its members,” he added.

All participating teams received Certificates of Participation. The winning team (Tangaza University) was honoured with a trophy and a cash prize of KSh10,000, while the Runner-Up, Catholic University received a trophy and cash prize of KSh5,000.

The title of Best Male Oralist went to Michael Daniel from Cooperative University, who received a trophy and a cash prize of KSh5,000. Similarly, Nina Wairimu, also from Cooperative University, was recognized as the Best Female Oralist and received the same award.

The event follows the official launch of the National Policy on Family Promotion and Protection by First Lady Rachel Ruto, hosted under the Ministry of Social Protection.

Mama Rachel urged parents across the nation to embrace positive parenting, which fosters the holistic development of children through nurturing, empowerment, and a non-violent approach.

By Frank Mugwe

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