Youths in Nandi urged to embrace TVET education-MP

By Malachi Motano

Aldai Members of Parliament (MP) Hon. Cornelius Serem has urged youth across Nandi County to embrace Technical training courses by joining various Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in or outside the region to pursue different courses and acquire skills that would help them better their lives in future.

According to the legislator, technical courses play important roles and are more marketable in the twenty-first century. He therefore encouraged the young people to consider pursuing such courses to enable them change their lives.

“I want to call upon all the youths from my constituency and the entire county of Nandi who did not manage to join universities to join Technical training institutions which will help them pursue technical courses that will enable them employ them upon completion.” Serem added.

He revealed that the government has put enough money in TVET institutions to facilitate education thus youths should make use of them fully.

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