Youth urged to go for technical training to better chances of employment

By Enock Okong’o

Residents of Bomachoge Chache Constituency have been asked to encourage their children to join Technical Institutes to enable them acquire relevant skills that would attract a wide range of jobs.

Speaking at Riamo Technical Training Institute, Dr. Job Nyangenya Omanga decried the high rate of school drops outs and university leavers who have joined the Boda-boda business due to lack of employment.

“There is a lot of employment in the country but there are no people to occupy the places because they lack the relevant skills,” he said.

He told the parents that these institutes equip learners with skills that enable them to secure employment.

“These Institutes empower our youths with right skills needed in the job market because they train on practical techniques that enable them fit in various professions,” he added.

Dr. Nyangenya who is a medic and a political aspirant launched his campaigns to capture Bomachoge Chache Parliamentary seat at the event. He said that Vision 2030 will not be achieved easily unless the country embarked on the serious training of technically skilled people in different areas.

He thanked the government for supporting students who joined Vocational Institutes with free loans that will enable them complete their studies.

He asked the high school leavers and the jobless University graduates to retrain in the Technical Colleges to enable them acquire relevant skills for employment in the demanding sectors like agriculture.

Omanga promised to give education a priority if he will be elected.

He revealed that he has assisted more than 150 students to get scholarships to the USA and promised to increase the number to 500 in the coming three years because he has many friends in other countries to connect his people to the educational opportunities.

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