Youth seeking jobs abroad advised to learn foreign languages

Labour PS Shadrack Mwadime delivering his speech at KeMU, where he advised medical students to learn basic German grammar as a requirement before securing jobs in Germany.

Kenyan youth seeking employment abroad have been urged to learn foreign languages to enhance their chances and broaden their job searches.

Labour and Skills Development Principal Secretary (PS) Shadrack Mwadime, speaking at Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), emphasized the importance of learning foreign languages, especially German as there are many opportunities in that country.

“Kindly learn foreign languages to fit the jobs we are securing for you out of the country,” Mwadime told KeMU medical students, having been invited by the Vice chancellor Rev Prof John Kobia for a public lecture.

The PS highlighted the need for a six-month programme for the medical students to learn basic German language to make it easy for them to interact with clients.

“During the negotiations with the German government, there is a shortage of not less than two hundred and fifty thousand workers across all skilled sectors, with the medical sector having the greatest need,” he said.

KeMU students pose for a photo with PS and VC after the lecture. The students were advised to learn a foreign language as it is an asset in securing jobs abroad.

Acting Secretary General for Labour Migration Joel Mwanzia and Director General of National Employment Authority Edith Okoki, who were in attendance, addressed concerns raised by students regarding labour migration processes and safety measures for Kenyan workers abroad.

Okoki advised individuals to utilize vetted private recruiting agencies listed on the NEA website for secure job placements.

“Kindly log in to and use the PRAs highlighted in black. Those are the qualified ones to recruit and which if you have a complaint we can follow up as government,” Okoki said.


Govt releases capitation to primary schools a week to end of term

By Felix Wanderi

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