Youth lead in HIV infections in Taita Taveta county, Director says


Taita Taveta County Director of Health Dr. Elvis Mwandawiro has urged the youth to be cautious amid reports that they are leading in HIV/AIDs infections in the county.

Speaking during the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a Tuberculosis treatment facility funded by Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Kenya in partnership with the county government at Moi County Referral Hospital in Voi, Mwandawiro noted an increase in HIV prevalence in the county from 3.4% in 2022 to 3.5% in 2023.

“At the moment, our HIV prevalence is 3.5% up from 3.4% in the previous year, an increase of 0.1%. Most of the infections are in our youths,” he said.

He encouraged the youth to practice safety by using protection during sexual intercourse, delay debut of sexual activities and use Antiretroviral (ARVs) drugs for those already infected.

According to Officer is in charge of HIV/AIDs and STIs, Charity Mwabili, approximately 8,877 people in the county are infected with HIV.

She disclosed that 7,200 people including expectant mothers, youth, children and the elderly have already been tested and found positive.

Mwabili also disclosed that as a way to curb the spread of the disease, the department holds barazas, visits schools and talks to citizens, students and pupils about the sexual diseases.

“For the projects that we are planning for adolescent youths and young persons, we have seen it’s important to educate and inform teenagers because as they get of age, they are tempted to try many things that predispose them to HIV/AIDs and STIs,” she said.

Charity Mwabili who is in charge of HIVAIDs and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Taita Taveta County.

Country Director of Aids HealthCare Foundation Dr. Samuel Kinyanjui asked the government and relevant stakeholders to make condoms affordable and accessible for all.

He noted that a person living with HIV costs the government between Ksh20,000  to Ksh32,000 every year, yet if they were to invest on condoms they would invest Ksh1,000 to Ksh1,200.

“We know there are people who can afford very expensive condoms and there are people who cannot afford condoms; condoms availability is very important.” Dr. Kinyanjui noted.

By Michael Oduor

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