Youth in Kilifi advised to join local VTCs, shun drug abuse

Youth in Kilifi have been urged to enroll in local Vocational and Training Centres (VTCs) to acquire various technical skills instead of bingeing on illicit alcohol, drug abuse and other vices.

Speaking during a public participation forum in Malindi town, Rabai Sub-County Administrator Fathiya Hemed attributed the high consumption rate of alcohol and drug abuse to idleness and laziness.

She revealed that the situation has reached alarming levels, and needed concerted efforts to be taken by youth stakeholders with the aim of addressing it.

“Through joining these centres, you will acquire skills that will enable you to acquire jobs and also create employment,” she said.

Hemed lamented that many youth still loitered the streets instead of engaging in economic activities to uplift their living standards.

At the same time, she asked parents to enroll their children who could not enroll to universities to local TVET institutions in order to transform their lives.

The forum was held to collect views from residents to enable the county government set aside budgets to implement community development projects.

They termed drilling of boreholes in ECDE centres as a priority to address water problems and to boost agriculture through irrigation to ensure food security in the county.

By Tsozungu Kombe

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