Youth in Isiolo urged to go for marketable technical skills in TVETs

Youth have been urged to embrace technical skills by joining Technical and Vocational Training centres in a bid to acquire marketable and employable courses instead of relying on scarce white colour jobs.

A section of Isiolo leaders cautioned the youth against looking down upon technical skills and terming them as odd jobs noting there were endless opportunities for those with such skills.

Speaking at Isiolo Boys high school during International Youth Day, County Education and Youth Executive Aileen Kajuju said the time is ripe for youth to make use of centres provided for by the county and national government to empower themselves.

“Do not shy off from joining the polytechnics because the government has invested a lot of money there. Seize the opportunity, acquire skills and use them to earn a living,” said Kajuju.

She assured them that the devolved unit was keen on offering opportunities to the youth who are the majority group in the county.

“The governor has promised that out of 10 job opportunities available in the county government, two will be reserved for those between 18 and 35 years. Older people masquerading as youths will not benefit from opportunities for young people,” she warned.

Bulapesa MCA David Waithaka called on the county government to train the youth on skills that will prepare them to benefit from upcoming mega projects.

He regretted that Isiolo lacks different industries like leather which can employ many youths.

“People in Isiolo seek leather services in neighbouring counties which means if we train our young men and women, they will fill the gap,” said Waithaka who also chairs the Assembly Education Committee.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) official Ms Cecilia Kananu said the organization was keen on building the capacity for youths through mobile vocational training and providing them with economic enablers like sewing machines and salon equipment to enable them to start business ventures in line with this year’s theme ‘Green Skills for Youth’.

“We are empowering them so that they can comfortably fend for their young children and siblings by providing them with nutritious food items to help beat malnutrition,” said Ms Kananu.

Isiolo Caritas official Khadija Ibrahim faulted the information barrier at the grassroots that she said had contributed to the low uptake of available opportunities by the young people.

She said they were seeking to bridge the gap by equipping locals with skills to train beneficiaries for improved livelihoods.
“We do not hire artisans, salons, tailors or other professionals from elsewhere to train those in our program but instead pick locals who have the skills to train the youth and women,” she added.

Deputy Governor James Lowasa urged the youths to embrace innovation and creativity in solving challenges that were affecting them in their day-to-day activities instead of indulging in criminal activities and drug indulgence.

He said it was a collective responsibility for all stakeholders to empower the youth as well as give them opportunities.

“To counter challenges affecting the youth, we need to come together and involve them because they too have different ideas,” said Lowasa.

By John Majau

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