You’ll head schools matching your job groups, TSC Director assures principals

TSC principals

Murang’a county TSC Director Fredrick Nganga has urged principals to be calm even as the commission works on a way to ensure the principals teach in schools that are commensurate to their job groups.

Speaking during Murang’a county Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) conference held at Reef Hotel in Mombasa, the director stated that during one of the promotion exercises, some principals in D3 job group were promoted to small schools while others in lower job groups were taken to big schools.

“TSC can’t demote principals with lower job group in big schools and give the schools to their counterparts in D3 job group. As a result of this, I urge us to be patient since with time, all of us will join schools we are comfortable in,” he said.

He also revealed that the commission had appointed a few deputy principals on acting capacities in schools with no substantially appointed principals.

“I’m glad to confirm that the deputies are doing their work well,” he said.

He advised the principals to cultivate a positive attitude in schools and work towards building them other than eyeing neighbouring schools.

“Listen and understand the staff you work with and only make conclusions after effective intervention since each teacher has individual issues and problems,” he advised.

He also advised them to provide teachers with official appointment letters when appointing them to positions in schools as a move to assist the teachers perform better in interviews.

“Appointments such as heads of departments, senior teachers and dean of students among others must be made with official appointment letters,” he explained.

The director revealed that the school heads have the responsibility of facilitating the commission with data about their schools to assist in decision making.

He issued a stern warning to heads who provide misleading data to the commission.

Nganga revealed that the commission was striving to address the many pending transfer cases as quickly as possible.

He advised the principals to prepare well for retirement, noting further that TSC always guides, advices and issue retirement letters a year in advance to teachers nearing retirement to help them prepare well for their exit.

He assured the principals of support from the commission as long as they discharge their duties well.

By George Otieno

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