World Bank hands over water project worth Ksh19M to school in Baringo


Kipkutuny Mixed Day and Boarding Primary school has received a major boost after the World Bank handed over the Sagat Water Project worth Ksh19 million at the school in partnership with the Baringo County Government.

Speaking during the handing over of the project, the county Deputy Governor Felix Maiyo said that the school, located in Chepkero location, Baringo Central constituency and the county government will extend piping works to the neighbouring community to benefit from the 100,000 litres of water.

He lauded World Bank for the donation, saying that provision of water at the top public school is a milestone to the learners who have been trekking long distances in search of streams and rivers for the precious commodity

Speaking to Education News in his office, head teacher Benjamin Komen said that the school has posted excellent results in the past five years despite teething challenges in infrastructural development, low enrolment and poor road network leading to school.

Kipkutuny Primary School headteacher Benjamin Komen speaking to Education News in his office. With him are various accolades received in the recent past.

He noted that the school’s catchments are Baringo, Nakuru, Elgeyo Marakwet and Uasin Gishu counties but regretted that the locals had not embraced the school due to inadequate infrastructure.

The school head said that most facilities in the school are in a sorry state with the kitchen and dining hall having temporary benches as chairs and tables for students.

The dilapidated dining hall-cum-kitchen at the school

“We have called on the Ministry of Education to register the school as a low-cost school to enable us to receive funding for renovation,” he said.

He commended Boresha Deposit Taking Sacco for funding the renovation of three classrooms, through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), whose roofs were blown by raging winds.

Komen also thanked the county government for the construction of permanent Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) classrooms.

“We request the county government to set aside funds for the construction of one more classroom to accommodate pre-primary learners and also supply furniture,” he added.

He noted that due to lack of a boy’s dormitory and an administration block, the school has converted two classrooms to accommodate the learners.

Kipkutuny primary school pupils pose for a photo at the school gate.

The school Board of Management (BoM) Chairman Mr. William Barkutwo expressed gratitude for the water project.

However, he said that the school is yet to receive funds for the construction of Junior Secondary School (JSS) classrooms and teaching and learning materials.

By Enock Kipturgut

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