Women demand level playing field for girls in education

Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organisation's Kilifi County chairperson Witness Tsuma. She is demanding an equal playing field for girls to compete effectively with boys.

A women organization in Kilifi County has called upon education stakeholders to treat the girl child with utmost care to enable them compete effectively with their male counterparts in school.

Speaking to Education News in Kilifi town, Maendelea Ya Wanawake Organisation (MYWO) Kilifi branch chairlady Witness Tsuma decried the high dropout rates of school girls in the region.

The chairlady revealed that the situation has caused a lot of concern to education stakeholders, saying urgent concerted interventions must be found to curb teenage pregnancies.

“Rapid development in the region needs educated people who will be in charge of designing, planning and implementing community development projects,” observed Tsuma.

She called on parents to take all their children to school irrespective of gender to increase literacy levels in the county.

By Tsozungu Kombe

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