By John Majau

A 20-year-old woman believed to be a college student is nursing serious injuries after she was slashed on the arm on Tuesday evening in Makutano, Meru County.

Armed with a razor sharp machete, the assailant, who comes from Githongo area, is said to have found the victim in bed with her husband on Tuesday evening following a tip-off.

The assailant arrived at the scene of the incident in the company of boda boda riders only to find her husband in bed with another woman.

She slashed her rival on the shoulder before ejecting her from the house situated near the Meru Teachers Training College.

The attacker, who claimed that her husband had abandoned her, confiscated her victim’s clothes and mobile phone saying that she would use the items as exhibit.

The victim claimed that her attacker had aimed at her neck but missed it.

Mr Stephen Kimathi, a lorry driver who rescued the victim said: “I found the naked woman bleeding profusely as she was pursued by her attacker.”

Area residents, most of them boda boda riders, taunted the injured woman and prevented people from assisting her.

Ms Mercy Julius, a resident of the area, said the woman, who was later rescued and taken to hospital, could have been a college student.

“The injured woman was wailing as the crowd cheered on the assailant who attempted to slash her again. People were just watching without helping, the woman deserves justice,” said Ms Julius.

The young woman told the crowd that she did not know that the man was married.

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