Woman quit bank to help destitute children

The Director of Emmanuel VISPA schools Bishop Ochieng. Photo by Fredrick Odiero

By Fredrick Odiero  

Bishop Hellen Ochieng worked for many years as a banker but later realized that her calling lay elsewhere other than counting currencies.

The humble church Minister at the Holiness and Repentance Church decided to invest her time and resources in helping orphans, destitute children and widows.

That was 20 years ago and today she looks back at her philanthropic vocation with a lot of satisfaction.

She says she was moved by the plight of orphans and those who could not raise schools fees due to biting poverty which drove her to come up with an orphanage and a full time school.

She used her retirement package to start helping orphans around villages in Rabuor.

The biggest challenge however is the ever rising demand for help from the local community.

The numbers keep growing from the 25 children she began with in 1997 to the thousands of less fortunate souls she has assisted.

Bishop Ochieng says that working for the less fortunate in society is a calling which requires a lot of sacrifice and dedication.

Emmanuel VISPA is always among the top schools in Nyando in the form four examinations.

The cleric says that she has over the years learnt that it is the hand which gives which also receives.

She has over the years helped orphans and other needy people in society, with thousands of needy children passing through her care.

The Director of VISPA Emmanuel High School based at Rabuor in Nyando, says many of the children she assisted hold responsible positions in society.

Some who are studying in university come back to the school to help teach students as a way of giving back to the Rabuor community.

 The secondary school began with about 60 pupils after a new tuition block was officially opened by local government representatives.

“The construction of the building work was supported by donors from Northern Ireland, including assistance from Radio Cracker, TBF Thompson and other individuals,” said Ochieng.

The school which is among the top performing institutions in Nyando has a population of over 400 students.

Bishop Ochieng says they have already constructed a dormitory which will soon host all girls at the institution.

“The school has over the years received support from friends and partners as well as well well-wishers as we endeavors to change the lives of the less fortunate,” says Ochieng.

Bishop Ochieng was among clerics who opposed the construction of a controversial monument by the Sikh community on a street in Kisumu.

The storm was raised by members of Repentance and Holiness Ministry associated with Prophet Dr. David Owuor who claimed the statue was satanic.

Bishop Ochieng also led worshippers in condemning the monument as Idol worshiping.

The Chairman of Kisumu Siri Guru Sabha Charjeet Hayer however said the monument was erected to commemorate 100 years of Sikh presence in Kisumu and had nothing to do with religion.

“I appeal to our religious brothers not to view the monument as idolatry but a sign of peace,” he pleaded.

Hayer said they are celebrating the arrival of their ancestors in Kisumu in the early 1901 and nobody should associate it with idolatry.

Police officers had to use teargas canisters to thwart several attempts by the youths to burn and bring down the monument.

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga stepped in to quell tension over the monument.

“Listen to me, this monument is for peace and is not satanic as some of you have been saying.

He told the people of Kisumu not be pre-occupied with unnecessary things and instead focus on development.

Bishop Ochieng was born in 1970 at Kanyamedha, Kisumu West within Kisumu County.

She later went to Kanyamedha Primary School before proceeding to Sinyolo Secondary School and later Kisumu Girls High school where she sat her “A” level exams before joining the Standard Chartered Bank as a junior teller.

Ochieng later worked in many Stan-chart branches across the country before taking a plunge into the charitable world.

The cleric who is married and has a family, says her intention is to continue helping more people because it is a Godly act.

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