Woman jailed for 15 years for assaulting 2 year old child

By Enock Okong’o

A 25-year old woman has been  sentenced to a jail term of  15 years by the Keroka law courts in Nyamira County for assaulting her employer’s two year old girl.

Martha Bosire pleaded guilty before Senior Magistrate Simon Orome over the offence, which she  agreed she committed in diverse dates between November 14, 2021 and December 9, 2021.

The accused confessed before the court that she inserted her fingers into the private parts of the two year old minor whom she was employed to take care of. She further admitted that she enjoyed fondling the private parts of the baby and rubbed the child with spirit to treat her.

She further told the court that she bought sweets for the baby to buy her silence so that she doesn’t complain to her mother.

According to the court prosecutor, the minor’s grandmother discovered the anomaly in the child and reported to her mother who got concerned and thereafter reported the matter to the police who arrested Bosire and later arraigned her in court.

The child was taken to Borabu Sub county Hospital in Nyamira County where it was confirmed that she had been assaulted in her private parts.

In her mitigation Martha Bosire pleaded for leniency from the court saying that she was an orphan and had a young child who depended on her.

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