Why some careers are a calling in nature

The writer is a career counsellor. vochieng.90@gmail.com.

In the details of the Essential Career Guide by KUCCPS, high school students are introduced to the word ‘vocation’, which is derived from Latin word ‘vocatio’. It means a call. In a broader sense, a vocation refers to an occupation that an individual may feel enticed to pursue. Its original meaning and usage had religious or divine association. In these times and climes, the term is applicable even in some non-religious context. There are careers with a vocational bent.

In a heroic book titled Mastery by Robert Greene, we also discover that the word ‘vocation’ comes from the Latin meaning to call or to be called. Its work commenced in early Christianity where some people were called to a life in the church – their vocation. Ideally, they could recognise this by literally hearing a voice from God, who chose and set them apart to serve such areas. In Pauline Epistles, Apostle Paul of Tarsus pens a letter to the church at Rome in Romans 8:30: “And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.”

Therefore, as a career counsellor and a peripatetic speaker in schools, I see some careers as vocations. Meaning, students that yearn to pursue them should have their conscience convinced through conviction. For instance, think of spheres that are purely religious such as priesthood, brotherhood or sisterhood. I hope young people know that when they choose such vocations, they will take vows to serve divinity and humanity the rest of their lives. No wonder, in Catholic schools known as minor seminaries, there is a lot of formation complementing information gained in Teaching and Learning (TL).


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Likewise, some careers are not purely religious. However, when you dig deep, you will unearth their wide vocational side. Think of a medical course such as Nursing. Nurses spend most of the time in hospital and hospices as care-givers. In line of duty, they see sick and weak people on daily basis. Then, mortality is too real. In most cases, they see death dancing in their palpable presence. Somewhat, it is hard to operate as a nurse without a correct conviction manifesting in the form of a vocation – call.

Finally, dear reader, permit me to write that teaching is also a vocation. It is not only a profession, but also a call. Teaching is a call because teachers partner with God Almighty to make and mould other professionals. Most of us went through the skillful hands of teachers – who were porters carving the clay who are children – until they attained maturity when the prefrontal cortex grew. Then, the preceptor is the mid-wife who delivers the vision of the nation. The teacher is the determinant of nations become: the destiny of nations. No wonder, teachers who touch God dispense knowledge beyond the four walls of the classroom.

By Victor Ochieng’

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