Why Leaders should Wield Charisma as a Style


Charisma is important in leadership because it arouses some special popular loyalty, energy, and enthusiasm in followers. Legendary leaders have that special quality that pulls people. Using the word CHARISMA, we can say that people with this trait possess Concern, Help, Action, Results, Influence, Sensitivity, Motivation, and Affirmation.

Dr. John C. Maxwell in his heroic book titled Be a People Person postulates that these traits are not innate. But are attainable by anyone who cares about other people and yearns to develop relational skills.

  • Concern — the ability to show you care

Leaders with charisma have the ability to show concern for the people’s deepest needs and interests. When you are around them, you will sense their intense interest and care. On this, we dote on Theodore Roosevelt’s wise words, “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

  • Help — the ability to reach out

Leaders with charisma help people. They go out of their way to make others benefit bountifully. They possess the gift of grace. In fact, the Greek word for gift is ‘charisma’ meaning ‘gift of grace.’ Therefore, leaders who rely on this style understand a variety of gifts and their purpose in people. Gifts are put in us so that we bless others, but not for selfish interest. There is no charisma for seclusion. You cannot walk into a room and have charisma by yourself.

  • Action — the ability to make things happen

Something exciting seems to be happening around a leader with charisma. S/he loathes being lackluster. When Evangelist John Wesley was asked why people seemed to be attracted to him, he answered, “Well, you see, when you set yourself on fire, people just like to come and see you burn.”

  • Results — the ability to produce

Leaders with charisma want to be on the good side of life. People like being around good and gracious leaders. Then, leaders with charisma do not win alone, but they also want others to win. This, in turn, spurs productivity.

I digress. How can you become productive? By finding your strength, and then finding someone who needs your strength. Leaders with charisma use their strengths to help other people feel good about themselves. They are people-centered. They understand that self-centered leaders misuse strength to dominate others.

  • Influence — ability to lead

Leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less. If something new, exciting, and interesting is happening in your life, you will want to share it. In doing so, you will influence others, and they will want to follow your lead. What happens to you speaks to your circumstances. What happens in you speaks of your character. Then, what happens through you speaks of your charisma.

  • Sensitivity — the ability to feel and respond

Leaders that value charisma have the ability to be sensitive to changing situations. They are adept to reading moods, feelings, and spirits in any situation. In most cases, most people have the ability to feel something, but they are not sure how to react to it or express it. Leaders with charisma do not just feel it, but also know how to react and express it. They find a cause; that is discernment. They voice a concern; that is courage. They draw a crowd; that is charisma.

  • Motivation — the ability to give hope

The secret of motivating others is providing them with hope. A leader with charisma infuses people’s lives with beacons of hope. In the distant past, it is what made some men of God great.

Isaiah spoke of God doing a new thing. (Isaiah 43:19) Jeremiah talked of God having good plans for us. (Jeremiah 29:11) John the Revelator talked of a new Heaven and a new Earth. (Revelation 21). Jesus of Nazareth talked about being born again. (John 3)

Therefore, how do you act as a pipe of hope to people? Learn affirmation skills: Ways to encourage others verbally. Convey belief and support in others. Have problem-solving techniques.

What can you do to help others cope with their problems? Firstly, encourage them to face their problems. Too often, people would rather flee from them, fight them, or forget about them. Secondly, encourage people to solve their problems. In addition, teach them that it takes time. Moreover, expose yourself to their problems in order to relate to them. Then, assure them of your confidence in them. Also, creatively show them how to deal with their problems. In turn, offer hope to them through the process.

  • Affirmation — the ability to build people with words

Charles Schwab sagely said, “I have yet to find the man, however, exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.”

Everyone yearns for an affirmation of any accomplishment. Ostensibly, we have the propensity to become what the most important person in our life thinks we will become. Therefore, think the best, believe the best, and express the best in others. Your affirmation will not only make you more attractive to them, but you will help play an important part in their personal recovery, discovery, and development. Firstly, we should feel good about ourselves. Then, verbally and actively believe in others. We should expect them to respond positively. People are our only appreciable assets.

Lastly, these are the roadblocks to charisma: Pride — the tendency to look down upon others. Feeling a sense of superiority. Moodiness — such people are fickle none can depend on them. Perfectionism — it is an obsessive need to perform flawlessly. It stifles creativity and freedom. It turns people away. Perfectionists can rarely affirm themselves. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to affirm others. Negativism — a person with a constant negative attitude is depressing to hang around. Their personality says no to life in general. There is no possibility of being a leader with charisma when no one wants to be around you.

The writer rolls out leadership talks and training services. vochieng.90@gmail.com. 0704420232

By Victor Ochieng’

© Victor Ochieng’

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