Why Keiyo is doing poorly in KCPE exams

By Dennis Bett

Head Teachers drawn from Keiyo South-sub-county have drawn strategies geared towards improving Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams.

The sub-county has seen a decline in the KCPE performance with the mean score dropping from 245 in 2018, 241 in 2019 and 237 in 2020.

The slide has prompted education stakeholders to call a crisis meeting for head teachers to address the issue.

Speaking to head teachers at Sitotwo Primary School, Keiyo South Sub- County Education Officer Mr Kipruto Kosgei told them and Boards of Management to roll out the programs in schools and zonal levels.

He said that they are geared towards bringing back the lost glory.

“We had a meeting of head teachers from the entire Keiyo South sub-county to discuss the dropping results and come up with the best strategies for teachers to implement,” said Kosgei.

They also met with other stakeholders including the area MP, MCAs and others in the education sector who voiced concerns and pledged support to achieve the set goals

They are targeting a mean of 250 in 2021exams through capacity building of Boards of Management and meetings teachers at school as well as doing zonal exams and engaging learners in competitions.

He encouraged head teachers to increase supervision and motivation of teachers and also encourage parents to follow up of their children’s academic performance.

 “We will deal with challenges of lesson delivery, supervision,, implementation of curriculum by head teachers and absenteeism of learners,” said Kosgei.

Learners will also be stopped from engaging in income generating activities at the expense of learning.

The Deputy County Commissioner has also been petitioned to flush out children loitering at markets and those operating boda bodas  to go to school.

“We have also agreed to submit the list of absentee students to the chiefs which will help bring back the learners. School drop out must be dealt with expeditiously to help the standard of education to spring back,” he added.

The Director warned against sex pests who prey on young innocent pupils for sex saying that they will be arrested and action taken againast them to stop to habit.

They are also engaging spiritual leaders  and guiding and counseling experts to talk to schools children as well as talking to parents to guide their children on importance of moral values.

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