What next after KCPE?

By Victor Ochieng’


There is nothing wonderful like moving from one level to the other. When it happens, it brings some sigh of relief. The next stage is always interesting. It is what STD 8 pupils go through after sitting for KCPE. Now that life is a journey, not a destination, as a penman, I would advise these pupils to press pause buttons, and ask the quality question: What next after KCPE?

• Engage in recreation

There is nothing wrong with seeking therapy in ample rest after KCPE. When you rest, you do not rust. After all, practise and preparation for KCPE was not a walk in the park. It was tedious and tiresome. Therefore, after sitting for the last paper, Social Studies welded well with Christian Religious Education (CRE), every pupil said: Good riddance!

This calls for quality sleep and plenty of physical exercise, which recharges batteries of the mind and body. Good music and movies are also useful. Recreational activities work wonders. Focusing on the word ‘recreation’, for those who cherish English, like the lithe lad weaving these words, we can have two parts – the prefix ‘re’, preceding the root word ‘creation’. Recreation means creating yourself again.

When you rest, a lot of things criss-cross your mortal mind. An idle mind is said to be the devil’s workshop. Without conscience – empty heads, open hearts and free hands – can engage in mischiefs and misdeeds. It is during moments of transition that most teens engage in a lot of exploration and experimentation. Without some moral rectitude and focused attitude, a teen preparing to walks into high school, can veer off the road due to negative peer influence and herd mentality. Taking the wrong direction, can drive a teen into drug abuse, sexual immorality, crime, et cetera.

• Have a mental picture of your future

I advise every STD 8 leaver to sit down. Pick pen and paper. Close your two egg-like oval eyes. Draw an ocean. Then, draw a ship. Inside that ship, draw Captain Tom. Go back to the ocean, and draw a dry piece of land. Of course, that is an isle or island. On that isle, draw a tree. Then, draw some birds perched tree. Now, open your eyes. Look at what you have drawn.

You may not like what you have drawn. Why? Because it looks ugly. It is riddled with confusion. It looks that way because you did it without vision. I’m cock-sure, given another chance to do the same thing. Even if you the lack spatial intelligence, which basically deals with picture perfection and artistic ability, I believe, you can make a better drawing.

That focuses on the principle of vision, which is the ability to see and seize the invisible. It is advisable to see the invisible, believe the incredible, and do the impossible. In Proverbs 29:18, Solomon said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” I can also put it aptly: Where there is a vision, people flourish.

Boys and girls who have sat for KCSE must understand: the mental picture determine our actual future. Dr. Steve Covey in his good book titled the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, when persuading people to have an end-in-mind penned: Things happen twice, in the mind, then in the physical. Napoleon Hill observed, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” In 1903, the brilliant British called James Allen birthed a book expounding Proverbs 23:7. He titled it As a Man Thinketh. This is what he had to say: “The mind is the master power that moulds and makes. Human beings can take the tool of thought and shape it to what they want. In the same ambit, they can bring into fruition any desired outcome. As mere mortals, we think in secret. It eventually comes to pass. Environment is our looking glass.”

In other words. The dream of every teen is valid. They just need to see and seize it. Or else, they will lack what we call FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful.

  • Develop voracious reading habits

As STD 8 prepare for high school, it is good to develop some good reading habits. It is the best way to entice and evince excellence. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher advised, “We become what we repeatedly do; excellence is not an act, but a habit.” This is the best time to read story books that can build verbal-linguistic intelligence and eloquence. This is the best time to read well-worded self-help books like Think Big and Gifted Hands by Dr. Benjamin Carson. It is the best time to read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki. By and large, reading avidly will props levels of confidence and communication skills. Reading adds weight to word bank. It adds glamour to grammar. Reading makes one a better writer. Reading boosts ingenuity and creativity. Reading improves the attention and concentration span. Ideally, reading best books people in good mood.

  • Prepare for high school

Soon before noon, KCPE results will be out. Then, mandarins at the Ministry of Education (MoE), will embark on high school placements in post-haste. Based on results, they can find themselves in any level of school: national, extra-county, county and sub-county. Some parents may even opt to take their children to private schools. That is life. We climb the lofty ladder of life using different means. Some use the lift. Some use elevators. Others use the staircase. It wends that way even for students.

In the whole scheme of things, whatever level of school they find themselves in, none should lose sight for an antelope and go for a squirrel. When they get themselves in high school, they should focus on the thrills and hills ahead. Of course, four years will elapse as if late for a flight. They will have to sit for KCSE, which will determine the course and college of choice.

Preparing for high school means they psychologically, academically and physically get ready for the new experience. In high school, a lot will change. In primary, they were doing six subjects, but in this new level, they are likely to do eleven or twelve subjects. Exam will not be multiple choices, but they will be expected to write right what they know. This means, there will be no shortage of academic pressure. In fact, they say: New levels, new devils. If one was in a day primary school, it is good to prepare for the boarding experience. There could be possible change of diet, culture shock, change of weather condition, meeting new friends. Again, there will be need to know how to handle pocket money.

When the time comes, things will just fall in place. So long as one focuses on setting a strong foundation in high school. It is right to be excited and ecstatic about the next level. Accepting the new school. Developing mental strength and stamina. Focusing on stupendous study strategies. Indimuli A. Kahi, Fidelis Nakhulo, Dr. V. Mukite and Dr. F. Musitwa – writes about it in the book titled Starting High School: Form One Transition Guide. They talk about the Calgary Tower, which stands at 190.8 metres. The total weight of the tower is 10,884 tonnes – of which 6,349 tonnes is below the ground; that is approximately 60 per cent. This depicts that some of the big buildings that grace this great globe have the strongest foundations. In life, and more so in academic spheres, attitude is the foundation of success. Attitude is equal to mindsets plus beliefs. People go to school to learn, which is basically acquisition of requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes. Learning is also change of behaviour and attitude.

The writer rolls out Form One Plug-in Programmes in Schools and Churches. He speaks to Form One Students and Parents During Orientation and Induction.

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