Wedding bells ring for Baringo KNUT chairman

Wedding bells have sounded for Baringo branch chairman of Kenya National Union Teachers (KNUT) Sylas Rutto as he was officially introduced on the weekend to his in-laws in Sogom, Baringo North Constituency through a traditional betrothal ceremony.

Top leadership of the union at the branch level and hundreds of teachers turned up for the occasion, including Assistant Executive Secretary Elizabeth Komen, who hailed the move as a milestone for the celebrated teacher.

She praised the significant strides the famed unionist had taken in transforming society, among them shaping the future of young people as a career teacher spanning several decades.

The unionist-turned-renowned preacher was recognized for his efforts in motivating students and his life coaching skills that have aptly helped teachers to confront issues affecting them.

Baringo County Assembly Speaker Vincent Kemboi lauded Rutto for his role in uniting teachers and advocating for teachers’ rights at the helm of the union.

He acknowledged his selfless leadership especially in engaging in community outreach programmes that have immensely assisted in building churches and schools.

By Alfred Kimosop

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