We shall not accept failure to implement CBA, KNUT official says

KNUT Makueni Branch Executive Secretary, Benson Ndambuki in a past event/ Photo courtesy

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Makueni branch executive secretary Benson Ndambuki has expressed his concerns over the slashing of 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Speaking during the thanksgiving day of St Luke ACK Wote township primary and Junior Secondary School (JSS) recently, he said that slashing of CBA will not be acceptable among the teaching fraternity for it’s a way of making schools suffer.

“We talked to Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) presenting our needs but it’s like they did not listen to us. The budget has been slashed and we accept nothing short of upward allocation of CBA,” he said.

He noted that the money should be brought back to the budget to cater for JSS as well as education progression.


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He observed that the school capitation disbursement has been delaying calling upon the government to do away with late allocations for smooth running of the schools.

The unionist also noted that there are marginalized schools which continue suffering and they should be catered for in terms of capitation and feeding programme.

He however appreciated the school principal Onesmus Wambua and the entire school fraternity for producing the best grades in Makueni County, as they managed to get a student score 419 marks in last year’s KCSE and the institution managed to score amean grade of 383 marks.

By Lydia Ngoolo

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