We have so far done well in schools, Orengo says

We have so far done well in schools, Siaya County Governor James Orengo has said, remarking that the county has made remarkable strides in the roll out of devolved education functions.

We have so far done well in schools, Siaya County Governor James Orengo has said, remarking that the county has made remarkable strides in the roll out of devolved education functions.

While delivering the State of the County Address at the County Assembly chambers, Orengo outlined key milestones overcome in the over one year, including roll out of Early Child Development and Education (ECDE) programmes and enhancement of infrastructural development at the vocational training centres.

“As a progressive administration, we note that an underpinning aspect of holistic societal development is the need for capitated human capital with the requisite skills. This foundation is best laid with a proper ECDE programme. I am persuaded that establishing strong foundations right from infancy through to the early childhood phases is pivotal in shaping progressive societies,” Orengo stated.

According to the governor, a very significant and bold move is when he executed the transitioning of 602 ECDE instructors from contractual terms to permanent and pensionable terms of employment, and employing a further 250 instructors.

“The instant impact of this is the betterment of instructor-child ratio. Overall, these interventions have had the impact of improving the enrollment of ECDE learners by 17 per cent,” he said.

“On vocational and technical training for youth, my administration has also provided capitation for TVETs to the tune of Ksh30,000,000,” he added.

“On bursary and scholarships allocation and disbursements, my administration has laid a strong emphasis that no deserving child will be denied the right to access education. To this end, my administration allocated Ksh100 million for bursaries that has now directly supported a total of 14,000 needy students. This allocation signifies an improvement of 33 per cent from the previous year’s allocation,” he added.

Orengo, on that note, acknowledged the valuable contribution made by financial institutions, especially Equity, KCB and Cooperative banks whose scholarship programmes have enabled many vulnerable children to access education and realize their dreams.

By Erick Nyayiera

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