We have set aside Ksh2.2 billion for promotion of teachers, TSC says


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia has revealed that the Commission  has set aside Ksh2.2 billion to be used for promotion of teachers countrywide in a bid to improve morale and job satisfaction, increase loyalty, motivate employees and career growth.

She was speaking at the Parliament buildings addressing the National Assembly Committee on Education for consideration of the Financial Year (FY) 2023/2024 estimates of revenue and expenditure.

The Commission is seeking to promote a total of 13,713 teachers from the following posts; principals, deputy principals, senior masters, secondary teachers, head teachers, and deputy head teachers.

At the same time, TSC has requested Ksh300 million to finance programmes and activities at the county and sub-county levels indicating that the said offices are key in the implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) and Performance Contract implementation and oversight as required by section 11(c) of the TSC Act 2012.

“These play a big role in the timely dispensation of pending discipline cases and the implementation of teaching standards,” Macharia said.

By Vostine Ratemo

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