Ways church can empower young people to make impact in society

Tonny Kyule

In an era of rapid social change and challenge, the role of the church and religion in supporting and guiding youth has never been more important.

As young people navigate the complexities of the modern world, the church has a unique opportunity to provide stability and spiritual direction.

One of the primary ways the church can support youth is by creating vibrant, engaging youth programmes. This might include youth groups, Bible studies, service projects, and social events.

These activities not only keep young people constructively occupied, but also foster a sense of belonging to a community of faith. By providing a safe, nurturing environment, the church can help youth develop critical social and emotional skills.

The church should also strive to make its services especially worship experiences more accessible and relevant to youth. This might involve incorporating contemporary music, multimedia elements, and discussion-based teaching.


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By meeting young people where they are, the church can demonstrate its willingness to adapt and remain a vital, living institution. Beyond the church walls, religious leaders should also be active in the broader community, partnering with schools, social service organizations, and civic groups to address the challenges facing youth.

This could involve mentorship programmes, mental health initiatives, or advocacy for policies that support young people. By taking a holistic, collaborative approach, the church can leverage its moral authority and spiritual resources to make a tangible difference in the lives of youth.

Ultimately, the church’s role in supporting youth is not just about keeping them engaged and out of trouble. It is about nurturing their faith, instilling values, and equipping them to become the next generation of ethical, compassionate leaders.

In a world that often seems overwhelming and uncertain, the church can provide a beacon of hope, stability, and purpose for young people. By embracing this vital responsibility, the church can ensure that it remains a relevant and transformative force in the lives of youth for generations to come.

By Tonny Kyule

Kyule is Rongo University student in Migori County

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