Wangamati calls for partnership with Mpesa Foundation

By Tony Wafula

Bungoma county governor Wycliffe Wangamati has asked Mpesa Foundation to partner with his administration in helping bright but needy students.

Speaking at Webuye county hospital during the Fistula campaign week at the facility, Wangamati cited teen pregnancy as the main barrier hindering the success of many students in Bungoma.

“Teenage pregnancy has derailed excellent performance in Bungoma. I humbly ask stakeholders to unite and fight this vice,” he said.

He added that Bungoma is the second county with the highest number of teen pregnancies.

He revealed that this year, his administration through the Wangamati scholarship partnered with the Equity Foundation and Elimu Scholarship and sponsored more than 9,000 bright but needy students in secondary schools.

“It’s my desire that the sponsorship scheme sponsors more students to secondary schools and even Universities. This course will be realized in the years to come,” he said.

Safaricom sales Representative Sophy Onyango told the press that 14 students in Bungoma County are under the Safaricom Mpesa Foundation scholarship program and that they will be supported until they complete their secondary education.

“Our aim as an organization is to create leaders who will be great thinkers and creators in this great nation,” she said.

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