VTC releases pioneer Go Blue graduates into the market

By Michael Oduor

Voi Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in Taita Taveta County has graduated the first batch of 120 Go Blue trainees after successfully completing their training in vessel repair, marine security, tourism and hospitality.

The programme, which was co-funded by the Government of Kenya, German Corporation, European Union, Go Blue, Jumuia ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP) and Kapyei is aimed at ensuring graduates transit into the world of entrepreneurship and employment as they are converted to productive members of the local, national and global community.

In a speech read on his behalf by Public Administration CECM Laban Mwashighadi, Governor Granton Samboja congratulated the graduates and urged them to use the skills they acquired to uplift their lives.

The Governor called upon youths across the county to enroll in VTCs to gain skills that will enable them get employed or start businesses that will uplift their lives as well as raise the economy of the areas they come from.

“Technical education is the way to go. I urge more youths to enroll in different courses in our centres across the county to enrich their skills in different fields,” said Samboja, who is also the JKP chair.

Mwashighadi urged youths to use the opportunity at hand to change their lives.

Speaking during the ceremony, GIZ Go Blue regional coordinator Faith Odero congratulated the graduates for completing the rigorous programme, hoping that they will put into practice the skills obtained to impact the marketplace.

Being the pioneers of the project, Odero termed them as pacemakers who will become the ambassadors of the Go Blue space as well as their institution of training. She said they will be monitoring and following up on their work.

“We are not giving up on you right now. We will be doing some monitoring and following up on where you are and what you are doing,” said Odero.

According to Odero, VTCs remain vital in skills development as well as provision of digital skills to create a more competitive edge in the job market.

“Vocational Training Centres hold an important position in the community as they provide knowledge that suits demands created by investors, society and employers,” she said.

Further, Odero reiterated that the organization aims to train over 600 youths across the coastal region in the next few years, 30% of whom must be women.

She congratulated the Voi VTC tutors and management for accepting the programme and for the good work they were doing. She also thanked parents for allowing their children to enroll in the programme.

On his part, the director for youth training in charge of VTCs in Taita Taveta County Raphael Chola lauded the graduates for their patience and good work to complete their training.

Urging youths to join VTCs for short courses, Chola disclosed that Taita Taveta County has a total of 29 colleges which are registered under Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). 

Chola disclosed that the county has a database where all graduates from VTCs across the county are registered to be given priority when vacancies arise.

Taita Taveta County Assistant Director for VTCs Mr. Philip Mwangole appreciated the Go Blue and other partners for their support in providing capacity building training to tutors for the success of the programme. 

During the event, it was disclosed that through Capacity Youth Empowerment Institute (CYEI), VTCs are now moving from offering long traditional programmes, which are believed not to address the market needs, to short relevant programmes.

While giving his remarks, the CECM in charge of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation Davis Mwangoma commended the relationship between the partners and the VTCs in Taita Taveta County. 

According to him, the programme offers courses that are vital in the agriculture sector and more so in the fishing industry, which he said will promote food production and boost food security in the region.

Mwangoma urged the director of VTCs in Taita Taveta County to incorporate agribusiness in their programmes to enable youth take develop interest in agriculture.

“I urge the director in charge of VTCs to consider incorporating agribusiness courses so that youths can embrace and take up agriculture as business,” said Mwangoma.

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