Volunteer ‘living by example’ cautions pupils on HIV/AIDs

By Enock Okong’o

Parents and teachers have been asked to take collective responsibility in the guidance and counseling of their children as they grow. This were the words of a volunteer ‘living by example,’ spreading the gospel of prevention against diseases like HIV/AIDs.

Speaking to parents, teachers and children from schools in Kenyenya Sub county, a community volunteer and social worker Richard Magembe said that most of the youth go astray as result of parental negligence.

“In the process of looking for parental advise, children land into wrong hands who provide them with deceptive love,” Magembe said, asking students especially girls to be wary of strangers who entice them with simple things like sweets.

“I was a victim of this and now I stand as a living testimony of what I am undergoing because of accepting offers from strangers,” he cautioned.

He narrated how he has gallantly lived with HIV for the last 17 years.

The volunteer who said he has visited 1,600 schools across the country to caution the youth against being victims of the disease, asked them to be of good help to those infected by being empathetic to them.

“HIV AIDS is a killer disease but if one knows how to take care of himself after contacting and adhere to the instructions from doctors, he can still stay longer,” he said.

The 36 years old father of three said he and his wife are HIV positive but their children are not because they followed the doctor’s advice in order to avoid mother to child infection.

He said that through his group called Shinduka, he has helped many youths to embrace self-descipline as the only way of succeeding in any adventure they took.

He asked the youth to avoid the Use of tobacco and other related drugs and substance because they weaken their minds.

In another forum, bar owners were asked to avoid locating their businesses near schools in order to avoid attracting students from buying beer from them.

Speaking in a public baraza, Bogetenga location Chief Charles Omwono said that any bar business owner found selling beer to students will be arrested and charged in a court of law.

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