VC urges Maa community to shun retrogressive cultures

By Ben Leshau

Masai Mara University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mary Walingo has called on the Maasai community to shun retrogressive cultures such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and early child marriages
She spoke when the varsity donated 100 double-decked beds, mattresses and seats to Entesekera Primary School in Narok South Sub-county.
She said it was only through education that poverty will be eradicated.
“All of us came from communities where the girl-child was viewed as source of wealth but gone are such days. Pastoral communities have an immense potential for academic excellence”, said Prof Walingo.
She has also appealed for more boarding schools in pastoral parts of Narok to boost retention of girls at school saying day primary schools were exposing the girls to FGM, early marriages and unwanted pregnancies.
The VC also asked parents to stop pampering their children, saying such acts breeds indiscipline cases that might hamper the future of the young generation.
“Parents should instill discipline in their children. Nowadays it is like some parents worship their children to the point they cannot discipline them. Indiscipline children are a bother to even teachers all the way to the university,” said Walingo.
She also revealed that the university was offering refresher courses to primary and school teachers in line with the new curricula.
The scholar also reiterated that the university shall continue supporting schools with such donations in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes.
The Entesekera School Chairman, Michael ole Uka hailed the university for the items saying it will go a long way in solving the deficit at the school.
“We have over 600 pupils in this boarding facility but we had only 150 double-Decker beds which only accommodate 300. We thank the Masai Mara University for considering us by providing us with the items”, said ole Uka.

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