Varsity staff unions protest refusal of VC to vacate office

By Wasike Elvis

University staff unions are up in arms over refusal of former University of Eldoret (UoE) Vice Chancellor (VC) Prof. Teresa Akenga to vacate office after her term elapsed.

The officials from Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU), Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) and Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers (KUDHEA) claim that she has refused to leave office to give room to her successor.

“We regret that the former Vice Chancellor is still holding the office and so the acting vice chancellor has not taken over to execute her mandate,” said UASU Uasin Gishu Chairman Dr. Nyaberi Mugaka.

The Unionists asked the former VC to exit stage without soiling her reputation in and outside the university.

“We are giving her an ultimatum of 7 days to ensure the acting Vice Chancellor takes over. Equally we acknowledge that times of transition are marred with misappropriation of funds, abuse of office, unnecessary memos and letters. We politely ask her to ensure that doesn’t happen,” said Dr. Nyaberi.

KUSU Uasin Gishu Secretary Robinson Kibet added: “What we are yearning for is seamless transition. We want to discharge our duties diligently but first she must leave.”

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