Varsity senior appointments must be carefully navigated

The Open University of Kenya. The choice of senior managers of universities must be carefully done to uphold the integrity of the institution.

Appointments into senior positions in university, particularly that of Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, need to be carefully worked out as it can significantly impact the institution’s integrity, functionality and reputation.

Without a clear and transparent procedure, there will be no accountability on the part of the appointee, which can lead to misuse of power and authority. The absence of a formal process can lead to the appointment of individuals based on personal connections rather than merit, and nepotism and favouritism will undermine the principle of equal opportunity.

Without proper selection, university chancellors whose vision and goals do not align with the institution’s long term strategic plan will get into office and derail objectives. To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to establish and adhere to transparent, merit-based and inclusive processes, which must involve various stakeholders, including faculty, students and governing bodies to ensure selected candidates are qualified.


KUPPET to create slots for JSS teachers in union leadership

By Adrian Martin, Rongo University

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