Varsities sign research contract with counties

Fredrick Odiero  

Lake Region governors have signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 11 universities for research and innovation programmes.

Lake Region Economic Bloc chairman Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya said the MoU will help the 14 counties collaborate with universities in creating local knowledge that can impact the lives of the residents.

Oparanya said they have already appointed a committee that will oversee the implementation of the programme in the counties. 

He said the pillars they will work on include trade, tourism, climate change, persons with disability, medical research among others.

 Maseno, Kibabii, Alupe, Jaramogi Oginga University of Science and Technolgy and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technlogy are among the universities that signed the MoU.

The member counties are Kisumu, Migori, Nandi, Kakamega, Bomet, Siaya, Busia, Homa Bay, Kisii, Vihiga, Trans Nzoia, Bungoma, Kericho and Nyamira.

Oparanya said the outcome of the collaboration between counties and universities will inform their policymaking and overall planning on matters of development.

“We have realized that there are many universities in the lake region that we have to make good use of in research and innovation,” he said.

Oparanya said after the bloc’s seventh summit in Kisumu that governors will also involve relevant committees of Parliament.

Governors Anyang’ Nyong’o (Kisumu), Wilbur Ottichilo (Vihiga), Sospeter Ojaamong (Busia), Wycliffe Wangamati (Bungoma), James Ongwae (Kisii) and Siaya Deputy Governor James Okumbe attended the meeting.

Bloc CEO Abala Wanga and a host of LREB advisory committee members were also present.

Kisii University vice chancellor Professor John Akama lauded the landmark move said it has been long overdue.

Akama said counties have very qualified personnel who can ably work with universities provided there is a conducive environment.

The don said that countries such as South Korea are way ahead since they have invested heavily on research and innovation.

Akama said South Korea invests some 65% of its gross domestic product on research and innovation.

“That is why the country today is a major power house in computer software and the manufacturing world’ he said.

He said universities can work closely with counties in capacity building more so in areas such as trade, tourism and mining depending on their jurisdictions.

Akama gave the example of Kisii level 6 hospitals which he noted has been working with the university in terms of training and service delivery.

He said the same can be replicated in other counties.

Akama discounted the notion that TVETS hold the key to development in the country, arguing that it was universities which can come up with innovations and research which can spur growth.

His JOOST counterpart professor Stephen Agong said universities have the highest concentration of human resources.

Agong said the institution has lined up a series of innovations as it strives to find a footing in the fast changing technological Global trends.

 He said they intend to use the technology in the rural areas since it will be cheaper way of producing powe

The governors also renewed their calls to be allowed to directly import vaccines and rapid testing kits amid the Covid-19 surge.

Oparanya said the pandemic has continued to ravage the region, which requires intensified mass testing. “The rapid tests in the Covid-19 hotspot will boost the fight against the virus,” he added.

The chairman said they are engaging the national government so that they can understand the protocols well before they do the importation.

They have scheduled a meeting next week with Health CS Mutahi Kagwe to discuss the direct importation and rapid testing kits.

Nyong’o said they will discuss the importation of vaccines and testing kits with the CS, noting that storage of vaccines is not a problem.

Nyong’o added that logistics and storage of vaccines in not a problem: “The problem is to establish a source that we can afford and that we have established.”

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