Utumishi school unveils new infrastructure courtesy of Police Sacco

Kenya National Police DT Sacco CEO Solomon Atsiaya.

Utumishi Comprehensive School in Gilgil has unveiled new classrooms, a multipurpose hall and 440 sets of furniture courtesy of Kenya Police Sacco.

The new facilities are anticipated to enhance the learning environment, provide space for an additional 800 students, and support a broader array of educational and extracurricular activities.

“Investing in education is not just a philanthropic act. It is an investment in the future of our nation,” said Police Sacco CEO Solomon Atsiaya.


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The project comes as a relief for the school, especially considering that 30 per cent of Kenyan schools suffer from inadequate infrastructure, affecting the education of over 4 million students across the country.

“This project is a tangible demonstration of our commitment to building a brighter tomorrow for the leaders of tomorrow,” said Atsiaya.

The Sacco highlighted that its backing demonstrates a strong commitment to education and community development, leveraging its substantial financial resources, which include an asset base of Ksh55 billion, a portfolio exceeding Ksh46 billion, and total deposits surpassing Ksh32 billion.

The Sacco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes are inward looking and are designed to support the education of members’ children.

By Frank Mugwe

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