UoN lecturers train West Pokot farmers, students on healthy diet

Food being served

The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Nairobi (UoN) has become a household name in West Pokot County by educating the community on the importance of taking a balanced diet on their meals.

In emphasizing the CBC in schools, two lecturers from the UoN have offered free education to learners and the community in order for the community to have a good balanced diet wherever they are taking meals.

Tampalal Primary School in the county became the first learning institution to benefit from the UoN lectures.


Registered farmers follow the proceedings.

The two lecturers were Prof David Jakinde who heads the Faculty of Agriculture and Dr Angela Andago.

Professor Jakinde emphasized the importance of growing a variety of crops which are a major source of food nutrition to the learners.

Actually, he stressed on the importance of growing traditional crops which are very rich in nutrients.

These include traditional vegetables, cassava, and barley and arrow roots.


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Dr Andago who is based at the department of Food Science Nutrition and Technology emphasized to the learners and their parents the importance of taking a good balanced diet.

“You would rather take a small quantity of food which contains proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates rather than take one large type of food that contains one type of food only,” Dr Andago said.

Practicals were performed to the learners — food preparation was done by Nangrotum Farmers Association whereby traditional ugali was cooked together with meat and traditional vegetables. All these contain carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins.

Head teacher Christine Lotee, Prof David Jakinde and William Odhiambo following keenly

The lecturers were accompanied by 14 registered farmers in the county who are specialized in a variety of farming like livestock, poultry rearing and vegetables cultivation.

Learners, parents and teachers were finally served with meals which contained a balanced diet.

Dr Angela said, “Let everyone feed his or her children with balanced diet meals which will make them active in school activities.

“A good nutrition which contains a balanced diet to the family will produce healthy citizens who will transform the nation positively,” added Prof Jakinde.

By Martin Ruto

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