Unoa Primary and Junior Secondary in Makueni qualifies for national music festival

Unoa Primary and JSS head teacher Winfred Sila and trainer Catherine Mwende Sumu stands with the team heading to Nationals. Photo by Lydia Ngoolo.

Unoa Primary and Junior Secondary School is delighted to head to national level for the second time in the same year. The music team will participate in national music festivals that will hold next month.

The school secured position one in own composition entitled Sawasawa. Last term the same school participated upto national level in drama and oral narrative.

Their trainers Catherine Mwende Sumu and Scholastica Kaviku said music has been performing upto regionals but this time round they have performed exemplary thus taking a team of 16 to national level which will be held at Moi Girls High School in Uasin Gishu County.

Sumu encouraged other learners to take co-curricular activities serious now that CBC system has taken over and focus is in nurturing talents.

“We are identifying them in advance besides this there is exposure and learning of cultural diversity. They also learn core values like unity, collaboration and communication as they mingle with other participants which we encourage a lot,” Sumu said.

The school head teacher Winfred Sila expressed her joy saying the school had 12 groups to regionals where many secured positions two, three four and six.


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“We also had one item in position nine with 81 marks but what made us proud was securing position two in Junior Indian dance. Trust me the Indians themselves defeated us with slight margin and we could have defeated them in their own dance,” Sila said.

She noted that talent matters a lot besides academic certificates and are working hard to nurture these talents.

However she pointed out that their greatest challenge is transport since financial investment is really required while taking learners out.

“As a school, we are holding our fundraiser to help us acquire a school bus for easy transport. We call upon all people of goodwill to support us acquire one,” Sila said.

By Lydia Ngoolo

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