University of Embu invites tender bids for security services

University of Embu

The University of Embu has invited eligible bidders to participate in a tender for the provision of security services. The tender number is UoEm/Tend/02/2023-2024.

Interested parties can download the required documents for free from the university’s website or the public procurement information portal.

To submit a bid, complete documents should be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the tender number and name.

These should be addressed to the Vice Chancellor, University of Embu, P.O. Box 6-60199 Embu, and submitted to the Tender Box at the university’s new administration block reception.

The deadline for submission is Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 11 a.m.

Tenders will be opened immediately afterward in the presence of bidder representatives at the Procurement Boardroom, located on the first floor of the new administration block.

The University of Embu does not charge any fees for participating in this tender process.

By Viola Chepkemoi

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