Universities challenged to initiate indigenous languages curricula

By Kamundia Muriithi

Institutions of higher learning have been challenged to lead in preserving the dying indigenous languages by the use of modern technology.

Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM) chief executive Dr. Everlyn Njoka observed that the imminent danger facing the local languages could soon put technology in jeopardy as new technologies depend on the vernaculars for excellence.

“Just as we have application programmess for a wide range of fields, we can also have content on our various mother tongues packaged in a similar format and I believe our universities have the capacity to do so,” said Dr Njoka.

Speaking at the University of Embu during this year’s International Mother Language Day celebrations, Dr. Njoka stated that universities should not sit comfortably when indigenous languages diminish, but instead should rise and protect them.

“There is a need to harness the technology and save the indigenous languages. I challenge our universities to come up with mechanisms of preserving indigenous languages technologically so that young people and future generations can learn them through ICT platforms,” Ms. Njoka said.

Stakeholders raised concerns that some indigenous languages were on the verge of extinction and there is need for quick action to protect them.

The CEO also pointed out that parents play a crucial role in teaching their children local languages so that they can be fluent in them and protect the country’s cultural heritage.

“We cannot learn our cultures which connect us to our past without learning our indigenous languages,” she said.

She said cognitive and intellectual growth of children was faster when one has a good command of their mother tongue, which in essence results in success in education.

University of Embu Vice Chancellor Prof. Daniel Mugendi said that the university will take up the issue and come up with mechanisms to help grow the mother tongue languages.

“We will look into ways of deliberately incorporating mother tongue in our curriculum, as well as gather and preserve indigenous languages and knowledge for future generations,” the VC promised.

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