Unionist urges teachers with political ambitions to seek elective positions

By Lydia Ngoolo 

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Makueni branch executive secretary Justus Kimeu has urged all teachers with political ambitions not to shy away from seeking elective positions during the next general elections.

Kimeu urged the teachers to get into the political arena and contest fully with the rest. He also argued that many great leaders worldwide have been teachers.

“You need to familiarize yourself on the ground just like other politicians have been doing.

However, you ought to be careful not to mix your political life with your personal life,’ he said.

He also urged all teachers to make sure they are registered as voters so that they practice their democratic rights during elections.

The unionist called upon IEBC to extend voter registration to students who have Identification cards. 

“If possible, the government should facilitate issuance of ID cards to students who have attained 18 years and above so that they can also register as voters,” Kimeu.

The unionists added that the exercise ought to reach as many voters as possible.

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